What is Liquid Nitrogen?


In recent years, with the advancement of stem cell science and other medical applications, the use of liquid nitrogen (LN2) or liquid nitrogen has expanded rapidly.

12/12/2021 9:44:14 AM
What is Liquid Nitrogen?

In recent years, with the advancement of stem cell science and other medical applications, the use of liquid nitrogen (LN2) or liquid nitrogen has expanded rapidly. Unfortunately, lack of awareness and familiarity with the use of this substance has led to a number of serious accidents and injuries. These accidents occur not only during use, but also during transportation and storage. Liquid nitrogen or liquid nitrogen, which is the liquid state of pure nitrogen gas, is one of the most widely used cryogenic liquids (liquids with a boiling point below -150 ° C). Or (238 degrees Fahrenheit) which should always be kept as a liquefied gas at a very low temperature. Cold freezes the tissue very quickly and destroys it. For this reason, you should avoid direct contact with liquid nitrogen when using it.

What is Liquid Nitrogen?